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At Austin Anger Management, we share resources with our clients that are intended to support and promote a healthy understanding of anger, why it happens, and what can be done to help move out of its gravitational pull. Today we are sharing three podcasts from our Featured Resources that offer great information on the topics of masculinity, family dynamics, neurobiology, and many more intriguing conversations surrounding anger and anger management.

We have listed the specific episodes that we feel have particular relevance on our Resources page, but encourage listeners who are seeking more knowledge and awareness surrounding anger to dive in to these excellent resources:

Here are Three Podcasts You Should Check Out

  • NPR hosts two of these podcasts: Hidden Brain explores the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior and questions that lie at the heart of our complex and changing world.

  • The Other Side of Anger is a special series that explores what we can learn from this powerful emotion.

  • And Ted Radio Hour Reframing Anger features speakers who explore the many sides of anger. Anger is universal and complex: it can be quiet, festering, justified, vengeful, and destructive. These talks discuss why we need it, and who's allowed to feel it.

These and many more resources are shared on our Resources page.

If you are struggling with issues related to anger management or other relationship or mental health concerns, we want you to receive the help you need. Please contact us at 512-476-1800, or reach out to a licensed professional to address your unique concerns. Austin Anger Management is Austin's anger management resource, serving our community since 2006.

We are continually updating our Anger Management Resources to provide quick access to articles, videos, and other content that reflect a variety of perspectives on a wide array of personal growth and relationship issues. We provide this curated resource on our website.

We also feature many of these selections on the Austin Anger Management YouTube channel.

There are videos, books, podcasts, and other resources that have been curated by Austin Anger Management. Please note, these resources are not intended as advice or as a substitute for professional counseling.

If you are struggling with issues related to anger management or other relationship or mental health concerns, we want you to receive the help you need. Please contact us at 512-476-1800, or reach out to a licensed professional to address your unique concerns. Austin Anger Management is Austin's anger management resource, serving our community since 2006.

Undoubtedly, we are staying home more than ever. If you're scrolling through the titles wondering what is "good," take a look at the list we've compiled. These films and series are recommended--and just may help you get through this COVID-19 downtime.

Austin Anger Management Recommended Watch List

Pop a big bowl of popcorn, and enjoy:

Download the list:

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